The Resource Management Act allows people to seek changes to district or regional plans through a request for a private plan change.

Requests for private plan changes can enable a wide range of changes such as rezoning, amendments to design standards, and the protection of heritage features.

Our team is currently working on several private plan changes across the wider Auckland area with PPC25 – Warkworth North to the Auckland Unitary Plan being a recent success.

PPC25 rezones approximately 99 hectares of Future Urban zoned land to a mix of business and residential zones. This will provide for approximately 1,000 - 1,200 dwellings, 13 hectares of industrial / commercial land and a new neighbourhood centre. The PPC as notified introduced a new precinct and a 43ha sub-precinct over that part of the Warkworth North land between Falls Road and State Highway 1. The precinct places additional controls to provide for an integrated stormwater solution, protect ecological values, provision of open space and future road connections and to guide development of the neighbourhood centre.

Get in touch and let us know how we can help – you’ll find a keen, friendly team dedicated to working with you.

Private Plan Changes


Planning Advice